Yes you read that title correctly. I didn't believe it myself. I came across this Pin on Pinterest, and after reading the article I decided to check into it, and I was not disappointed.
The first thing I did after reading the article was call my insurance company, I have Blue Shield of California (HMO). I called the member number on the back of my card and asked customer service representative if breast pumps are covered under my insurance plan. The representative checked my plan and stated that I was covered by my plan for any breast pump up to $169. She then gave me a list of 5 approved vendors and their phone numbers (a few of them had websites too).
I did my research and decided to place my order with Yummy Mummy, their website is great and easy to navigate. I gave them all of my information including my medical insurance information online. A week later I received an email stating they were processing my order (this happens once your insurance is verified) and about a week after that I received a shipping confirmation and my pump arrived by UPS 4 days later. So, if you're in need of a breast pump, I highly recommend checking with your insurance company!
I'm 33 weeks pregnant and I am happy to say that so far this pregnancy has been great. We are having a girl, and although we are super excited, I'm a bit nervous because it's just been me and the boys (hubby and JD) for the last 5 years. I've become very accustomed to super heroes, Legos and sword fights. I recently realized we only own two Disney princess movies, Brave (JD loves archery) and Tangled (Flynn Rider is awesome), oh and I can't remember the last time I played with a Barbie! But I will admit that shopping for a little girl is so much fun, I think she owns more dresses than I do at this point. I really can't wait meet our little princess and I'm pretty sure her Barbies will get along just fine with JD's action figures!
Photography by: Kersti Kooiman
It's that time of year again! Diego the Elf is back and will be up to no good (ironic, since he's here to make sure JD is behaving). Don't forget to stop by for a glimpse of all his "wonderful" shenanigans!