Thursday, February 10, 2011

IKEA Hackers

Now that we have our very own home we've literally become obsessed with home improvement (hubby) and home décor (me). I can't begin to tell you how many times a week we visit Home Depot, or how many hours we spend watching home improvement tutorials. Well, hubby and I are huge IKEA fans, when people ask us where did you get that, we usually answer “IKEA”! I recently stumbled onto a website called IKEA Hackers, this website is a place where people can post their IKEA hacks, creative people who have taken a simple piece or pieces of IKEA furniture and turned them into something useful, interesting or just plain awesome! I've been so inspired by IKEA Hackers that I have started my own little project which I hope to reveal in a few weeks; but for now here are a few of my favorite IKEA Hacks!



  1. I love Ikea too!!! I can't wait to see what you are working on. btw I checked out's awesome!!

  2. I'm hooked I need a work belt and my own drill! lol

  3. I love that play kitchen. I always wanted one when I was little :(
    And that headboard is nice too....that's exactly what I need right now!

  4. Amaris, it's so cute I think I want one "now" but JD and I would fight over it! Check out the tutorial on the headboard, imagine adding some button tufting!
